Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holding My Baby Tight

My thoughts have been all over the place this last week, so forgive me if this post is a bit muddy. 

When I was younger, I thought my parents were strict. Especially in my teenage years (of course)! They had regulations on things that I thought at the time were silly. As I entered into adulthood, I slowly began to see the things they were trying to protect me from. They may have been a bit overboard at times, but the boundaries they had set up for me were meant to keep me safe. I wouldn't say they were overprotective. I was given choices and allowed to make mistakes. But they were involved in my life, always. And now, as a parent, I find myself having the concerns for my baby girl that my parents did for me. I get where they were coming from.

There are so many different parenting "techniques", if that's what you call them. This book says to do this, that Dr. said to do that. Don't do this. You'll scar them if you do that. What works for one child may not work for another. I feel overloaded!

A local news article this week concerning the sexual abuse of a minor by a "trusted" adult has shaken me to the core. I was holding Baby Girl as I read the article. Fear gripped my heart. I want to hold her and never let her go. Never let her out of my sight!! I found myself questioning the integrity of even those closest to us. How will I protect my baby from the crazy things in our world?? 

As I've been processing things this week, fear has attempted to cripple me many times. I've had to remind myself that my baby girl is in God's hands. I can't keep her in a bubble her whole life. I want her to learn, grow, make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. Babe and I have and continue to pray for wisdom to know how to raise Baby Girl and our future children. We need that wisdom to know what works for us and our family. The unknown scares me. I like to know who, what, where and when. Life isn't predicable. Bad stuff happens. But my heavenly Father never leaves his children's side. He will hold my babies and never let them go. He will never let my babies out of his sight. 

And so we will daily seek wisdom from our heavenly Father and trust that He's got our little family in His hands. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Brownies

Thanks to my friend Larissa for this yummy chocolate fix of a recipe!!
WARNING: do not give in to the temptation to eat entire pan in one sitting!!

Best Ever Gluten Free Brownies
1 Cup Almond Butter (or other nut butter - I used all natural peanut butter)
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Raw Honey (I used regular honey)
1/8 Cup Maple Syrup
1 Tbsp. Vanilla
1/4 Cup Cocoa or Carob Powder
1/4 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips

Mix all ingredients together and put in a greased square baking dish. Sprinkle with chocolate chips (and walnuts if desired).

Bake for 20 - 25 minutes at 325 degrees. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

5 Worst Foods For Babies

Here are bits from an article I found interesting on

5 Worst Foods For Babies

From 500-calorie desserts disguised as coffee drinks to greasy, salt-encrusted french fries, we adults usually know when we're making unwise food choices. But often we don't realize that many of the foods we routinely give babies are essentially junk food – high in calories, sugar, or salt, and low in nutrients.
Eating junk food is more damaging to babies than adults. That's because babies don't need many calories, but they do need lots of nutrients. It's easy for them to fill up quickly on junk food's empty calories, leaving no room for nutrient rich healthy foods.

Here's the list of the worst food offenders for babies.


It seems too obvious to mention, but believe it or not, some babies are served soft drinks as early as 7 months of age, according to a survey of more than 3,000 families presented at the American Dietetic Association (ADA) conference in 2009.  


Sure, it comes from fruit, but that doesn't mean it's healthy. The fiber in fresh fruit is largely lost in the juicing process, and what's left is a whole lot of sugar.
Using certain types of juice – specifically apple and pear – to sweeten your baby's food isn't a good idea either. The sugars in these juices can speed up the food's passage through the digestive tract. When food passes too quickly, the body doesn't have time to absorb all those lovely nutrients. It can also lead to diarrhea in some babies.
What about advertisers' claims that juice provides babies with necessary vitamin C? Don't be fooled. Babies can easily get their vitamin C from one small serving of fruit.
What should your baby drink instead? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies younger than 6 months drink nothing but breast milk or formula. Babies 6 to 12 months old can have small amounts of water, but breast milk or formula should still be their main beverage. After the first birthday, cow's milk is recommended.


They make convenient snacks once your baby can bite and chew, but it won't take many to satisfy your little one's appetite, leaving no room for nutrient-rich foods. Also, just as eating sweet things can help babies develop a sweet tooth, eating salty things can give them a "salty tooth." The survey presented at the 2009 ADA conference found that nearly three-quarters of toddlers and preschoolers get more than the recommended daily amount of sodium.
The ever-popular fish-shaped crackers fall into this category. Fruit slices are a much better choice. And if you're looking for an instant grab-and-go snack, low-sugar cereals have more nutritional value than crackers, she says.

Processed meals

People define processed foods in different ways, but in general, the more the food is modified from what was originally caught, raised, or grown – and the longer the list of ingredients – the more processed the food. With heavy processing, foods often lose significant nutritional value and gain unhealthy additives.
The more processed the food, the more nutritional value tends to go down, and the more the sugar, salt, and fat content goes up.
The worst processed foods parents serve up are the ones not specifically meant for babies, such as canned pasta. They often contain way too much sodium. You're better off boiling up some noodles and topping them with a few crushed tomatoes.

Gelatin desserts

You'd be surprised at how many people think a gelatin dessert is a wholesome food for babies.  Why the misconception? Many people think gelatin contains protein, perhaps because it's made from processed animal bones and cartilage. But it doesn't, at least, not in any significant amount. What the baby ends up eating is nearly all sugar, artificial color, and artificial flavor, and a trace amount of gelatin to make it wiggly.

True, gelatin is easy to swallow, but then again, so is this healthy dessert: a baked, mashed apple with a sprinkle of cinnamon. It's naturally sweet and has good fiber, vitamins, and a yummy, smooth texture.

Monday, November 4, 2013

10 Best Foods For Babies

There are SO many resources for mommy life. With books, blogs, websites, friends and family - sometimes all the "advice" can be a bit overwhelming. One of my favorite websites as a first time mom has been I find their articles helpful and practical. A recent article on the site titled "The ten best foods for baby" caught my attention. I have a fascination with nutrition in general. As a mommy, I want to give Baby Girl food that will not only satisfy her hunger, but benefit her nutritionally as well. I'd like to make my own baby food to avoid all the additives in bought baby food and also to be cost effective. My blog post today is an excerpt from this article on . . .

10 of the best foods for babies . . .
Squash is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, is naturally sweet, and has a pleasing, creamy texture.

Serving idea
: Sprinkle parmesan cheese and a little chili seasoning on half a squash, roast it, and scoop out a serving for your baby. Cooked squash with a little cilantro, mild chiles, and garbanzo beans are another great combination.


Crammed with protein and fiber, lentils pack a powerful nutritional punch. They're also one of the cheapest healthy foods you can buy.

Serving idea: Combine cooked lentils with mixed vegetables, rice, and seasonings of your choice. Try basil and oregano, or toss in a bay leaf, which works really well with lentils. (Remove the bay leaf before serving.)

Dark green leafy vegetables

Leafy greens boast high amounts of iron and folate. While spinach is perhaps the best known of this group, there are many other varieties, including kale, chard, and collard greens.
Serving idea: Steam and puree a batch of greens, then mix with iron-fortified cereal to give your baby a double dose of iron. Experiment with the proportions to see what your baby likes; try starting with two parts veggie to one part cereal.


Brimming with folate, fiber, and calcium, broccoli is also known for its cancer-fighting properties. And thanks to its sulfur compounds, it has a unique flavor that can help expand your baby's tastes.
Serving idea: Steam pieces until soft, then chill. Steaming takes the bite out of broccoli; chilled broccoli is sometimes better accepted by babies. It can also be soothing during teething.


The deep, brilliant blue of these berries comes from flavonoids called anthocyanins, which are good for your baby's eyes, brain, and even urinary tract.
Serving Idea: Combine 1 cup of blueberries with one-quarter cup of water in a bowl, microwave for one minute, and let cool. Then swirl some plain yogurt on top. 


Avocados are a rich source of unsaturated fats.  In fact, the fat composition is somewhat similar to that of breast milk." 
Serving idea: Try combining mashed avocado with other foods, such as cream cheese, apples, or canned fish.  When it's playgroup time, ditch the crackers and take an avocado along instead. Avocados can travel in your bag at room temperature and you can offer them in slivers or spread on toast fingers while you sip coffee with your friends.


Many of us don't think of meat as a typical baby food, but it is a great source of zinc and iron
Serving idea: Cook stew! Stew is the ideal baby food – easy to make, easy to chew, and endless in its variety. Experiment with adding different veggies and seasonings, such as ginger and parsley. Just be sure to cook the stew long enough for the meat to turn soft and scrumptious. 


Prunes have lots of fiber and can help relieve constipation – which your baby may experience after you introduce solid foods.
Serving idea: Puree prunes and serve them straight or mixed with other foods, such as cereal or applesauce, for a naturally sweet treat. If your baby is badly constipated, try adding a teaspoon or two of prune juice to formula or expressed breast milk.

Garbanzo beans

Like lentils and other beans, garbanzos are rich in protein and fiber. They're also inexpensive and versatile.
Serving idea: Try hummus. You can find it in many grocery stores, or make your own by pureeing cooked garbanzo beans with garlic, lemon, olive oil, and tahini. You can also make a delectable finger food by sautéing or roasting the beans.

Mandarin oranges

High in vitamin C and antioxidants, mandarin oranges are a supreme finger food. Babies really love the flavor.
Serving idea: This is a particularly easy one to prepare – just cut the segments into bite-size pieces and serve. You can buy mandarin oranges fresh or canned, but make sure the canned version is packed in water, not syrup, which contains added sugar.

The website recommends after introducing any new food, wait three days before moving on to the next new food to identify any possible allergic reaction. If your baby's still a beginner at eating solids, grind or puree the food as needed.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Essential Oils

I'm a bit of a skeptic when people try to sell me things or convince me that I need a certain product. Especially when it is labeled "all natural", "organic" or involves spending a pretty penny. One of the latest trends and current fascination in my circle of influence is essential oils. They are said to treat a large variety of symptoms and illnesses.

I tend to lean more towards natural remedies in general, especially for common sicknesses like a cold or the flu. Upon researching essential oils and their origins, I decided to get a few basic oils and give them a try. From our experience as a family with oils so far, we believe that they are a great alternative to over the counter drugs and medications. 

How I used essential oils this week:
This past Saturday Baby Girl started sneezing a lot and sounded a bit wheezy the next morning when she woke up. A friend who is an "oiler" suggested I mix lemon oil and tea tree oil (also known as melaleuca oil) with coconut or olive oil (some oils need to be mixed with a carrier oil before applying to the skin). I mixed the oils in a small container and have been applying to Baby Girl's feet and chest every time I change her diaper. We also got a humidifier for her room that has a tray to put medicine in. I put a few drops of eucalyptus and lemon oils in that medicine tray and run the unit at night and during her naps. We are on day 4 since the symptoms first appeared and she seems to be feeling much better. I accredit the oils and lots of prayers!

EDIT: Since first posting this, it has been brought to my attention that there is conflicting views on whether or not to use melaleuca oil on children under the age of 6. Though the concoction worked for us, I want to advise caution. Always research and do what you feel is safe and right for you and your family. Another reminder that just because something is natural does not always mean it is the right thing to use for every situation.

Recently I had what seemed like postpartum insomnia. I was unable to fall asleep at night or would wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep. Someone recommended I try lavender oil. I'm not a huge fan of the smell, but I applied it to the bottoms of my feet and across my shoulders before bed(The feet are the second fastest area of the body to absorb oils because of the large pores. Other quick absorbing areas include behind the ears and on the wrists) I also put a few drops in a spray bottle with water and misted my pillow. The first night I tried this, I slept amazing! I thought it was a coincidence and tried it again the next 2 nights, both of which I slept great. Since doing this I have been sleeping soundly and through the night.

I love how God created things with a design and a purpose. It's always fun to me to discover new natural remedies using God made things. What an amazing Father.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Marriage and Parenting

My hubby and I have know each other now for 14 years. We met when we were 13. Stayed friends through our teenage years and "noticed" each other in 2008. He ran the marathon to pursue me and finally won me over. We got married in 2010. (Check out "Our LOVE Story"  under Stories on the right column of this page) He is very patient, a hard worker and kind. His laugh is infectious and his energy contagious. I love just being with him; He is my best friend.


 I have heard of couples having a tough adjustment the first year of marriage. I would say for us, other than the normal adapting and becoming familiar with each others routines and habits, we had a smooth transition into marriage. The "honeymoon stage" lingered well past our honeymoon. 

We found out in November of last year that we were pregnant. Babe was beyond excited! I was a little nervous. Being a mom seemed so big and scary. And I was pretty sure I wanted to be a stay at home mom if possible.


Fast forward to present day and the point of this post. We've have been married for 3.5 years and have a 9 week old baby girl. Becoming parents has been a bigger adjustment for our relationship than I had anticipated. Probably more for me than him. I feel so needy! Being home with the baby all day long and having him come home from work is a breath of fresh air. I look forward to him walking in the door, simply to see another face and to have adult conversation. I need time with him, even if it means him sitting in the nursery with me while I feed Baby Girl. I need his presence and companionship.

Being parents means that we have to invent new ways to enhance our relationship. I am realizing that things will change in how we do things, but it doesn't have to change the depth and intimacy of our relationship. We may not be able to go out on dates as often, but we can cuddle on the couch and watch a movie when Baby Girl goes to bed or go on walks together as a family in the evenings.

Babe and I talk about how we want our marriage to always come before our kids. We want to put each other first. That is hard at times, especially in this infant stage when we are constantly giving and fulfilling Baby Girl's needs. But ultimately, when I'm 50 and our kids are all grown and out of the house, I want to still be as madly in love with my hubby as I was when we were dating. I think it all begins with being intentional now.

And so we continue on the journey of learning, growing and loving in this new season of our lives.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Vegetable Bean Soup

As the weeks go by, Baby girl has begun enjoying being in her swing in the kitchen while I cook or bake. I am so thankful for this, because time in the kitchen for me is medicine for my soul. Here is a recipe my mother in law gave to me. I made it yesterday for dinner along with Tuna Melts.

Vegetable Bean Soup
6 ounces bacon, chopped
1 onion, diced
2 celery stalks, diced
2 carrots, diced
2 zucchini, diced
1 garlic clove, finely diced
1 (14oz) can chopped tomatoes, undrained
2 (15oz) cans Great Northern beans, drained and rinsed
3 cups reduced sodium chicken broth
1/2 tsp salt
coarsely ground black pepper
6 cups fresh spinach, chopped

- Place bacon in large saucepan over medium heat - cook 5 minutes until crisp.
- Add onion, celery and carrot - cook for 5 minutes
- Add zucchini and garlic - cook for 3 minutes
- Add tomatoes, beans, broth, salt and pepper
- Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes
- Stir in spinach

Serve with grated Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top.
Makes 10 cups and serves 6


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

OK with the mess . . .

I am task oriented.
I like lists, I like organization and I like things clean. My house being dirty and out of order makes me feel stressed out.

Going into motherhood, I was aware of this part of my personality that I would have to consciously work on. I know that there will be moments when my house will not be clean. There will be dirty dishes in the sink and dust on the furniture. My floors will get dirty (they currently have not been mopped for weeks). The bathroom will have hair on the floor and in the tub (grosses me out!). The trash may get to overflowing before I can get around to emptying it and it may take me 2 days to get 1 load of laundry done.  And that's ok. 

I want to be a mom that is not so consumed with tasks that I neglect my baby. I have to coach myself through this . . . As I sit and nurse her or rock her to sleep, my head spins with my to do list. But I remind myself that my baby will only be little for a short period of time; that my time to cuddle with her is ticking away. I don't want taking care of her to be another task I check off my list. The dishes will always be there and there will always be laundry to fold. So I sit and snuggle her, and remind myself that one day soon, I'll be wishing for these days again. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Glam Mom

"My new job is better than I could have ever imagined. It gives a whole new meaning to "full time". Though it sometimes involves lack of sleep, frustration and tears, it is the most satisfying job I have ever had. I am a MOTHER. I am responsible for the 24/7 well being of a little human being. My job is to love, protect, nurture and care for this tiny little person that God has entrusted in our care. It's not nearly as glamorous as I had imagined. But it is much more fulfilling than I had imagined." (my facebook status from September 16th)

It's not nearly as glamorous as I had imagined.

Let me start out by saying, I love my 5 week old baby girl. Overall, she is a very good baby. Doesn't really cry unless she's hungry or tired, and even then she can usually be calmed by being held and bounced. I hoped for a cuddly baby, and I got one! She loves to snuggle and has just started smiling, both of which make my heart a puddle of mush. 

Becoming a mother has obviously changed my life. I was told by people while I was pregnant that my "life was about to change forever". Most times it was said with a negative vibe. I always brushed it off thinking "I know it will change, but it will be awesome!" 

I don't know that I can honestly say the past 5 weeks have been awesome. When people ask me if I LOVE being a mom, I can't be 100% honest by saying YES. I love my baby. But the job of taking care of her isn't always awesome

No amount of parenting classes or self help parenting books could have prepared me for how much my life would change. Less quality time with hubby. Lack of sleep. Loss of independence. Sore boobs (just being real!:) Messy house. Nursing frustrations . . . 

Last week I had a lunch appointment with girl friends. Baby Girl decided that she did not want to take her morning nap. The only way to keep her content was to strap her in front of me in the baby carrier. Doing that enabled me throw my hair into a messy bun and brush my teeth. As I stood in front of the mirror with Baby Girl, doing a little dance to keep her happy while I brushed my teeth (I even managed to get a little tooth paste on her head), I was totally amused by the situation. THIS is the picture that you DON'T see on FB. 

All that said, being a mom has fulfilled me more than I ever knew possible. For so long I worked what to me felt like a silly, meaningless job. I didn't know what I was "called" to do. And I never really thought of myself as being the stay at home mom type. But I am now a stay at home mom. And I feel fulfilled. Yes there are days of tears and frustration. Yes there are days where I don't feel like rocking her to sleep because I just want to go do my own thing. But when I remember that God has entrusted Baby Girl into our care, to train her up in the way she should go, to nurture her and show her what love is, it is in those moments that I remember my purpose. And I remember how much of an honor it is to be her mommy. 

I also have to throw this out there . . . Social media is NOT realistic when it comes to many things, especially mommy life. We always post our best pictures when we and the kids are looking the best and write status updates on the good days. It is so easy to compare ourselves to others. To think "they've got it better", "I wish I was like . . ." or "I wish I had . . ." So far in the 5 weeks of being a mom, I've realized comparison is one big kill joy. My good friend has recently been a huge inspiration to me in this area. She got rid of her FB. Her reasons: it stole her time from her kids and she also found herself comparing her kids, herself and her husband to others. Wow. 

This post was a bit of a ramble. But it's a start. After having heart to hearts with a few other first time mommy's, I realized how lonely the mommy walk can be. We often feel we are the only one going through something or dealing with a certain issue. Most times, we are not alone, but it is kept quiet because we don't want to seem like a bad mom. Or we simply don't know who to talk to. And that is where my blog hopefully comes in. I want to be real in my mommy walk. Not in a Debbie-Downer, this-sucks sort of way. But in a this is real life, we-can-get-through-this and you-are-not-alone sort of way.

And so the mommy blog journey begins! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Mint Mojito Popsicles

A friend told me "you're like a ticking time bomb" in reference to my pregnancy. I thought that was a hilarious way of putting my past-due-date-state. Instead of sitting around and twiddling my thumbs, I decided to pack my week full of activities to make the days go faster. I'd rather have to cancel things than be sitting around my house bored out of my mind.

One of my favorite pass times is being in my kitchen. It relaxes me and makes me feel as though I've accomplished a great task once the food is prepared. I'm in my own world as I make a mess, generally listening to a podcast or worship music. It is my therapy.

It has been recommended to me to have popsicles on hand during labor. I just couldn't bring myself to buying the sugar filled ones from the store, so of course I decided to make my own. The original recipe was found on Pinterest, but I modified it a bit to come up with this refreshing and yummy pop! 

Mint Mojito Popsicles

Put the following ingredients into a blender:

1/2 cup water
1/4 cup honey (or other sweetener of choice)
1/2 cup coconut milk 
1 1/4 cup plain yogurt 
juice from 1 whole lime
zest from 1 whole lime
handful of fresh mint leaves

Blend everything until smooth. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze.

As my molds, I used the small, paper "Dixie" bathroom cups and popsicle sticks (like the above picture). If you do this, it works best to freeze the liquid in the cup for about an hour before inserting the sticks. Once frozen, the paper cup peels right off. 

Other DIY popsicle ideas: freezing you're favorite 100% juice in a popsicle mold! 
Our local discount grocery store (Sharp Shopper) often has yummy and unusual juices that work great for this! One of my favorite flavor juices to freeze is Blueberry Pomegranate. Be creative!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I'm back!

A few of you have been asking if I will ever return to blogging, especially recipes and my attempts at DIY projects. . . Well, here I am!

Since I am now a stay at home (soon to be) mom, I have a little (a LOT) more time on my hands. I'm so not used to this!! I have had a job since I was 12. I am so grateful we are able to do it financially with me staying home with the baby, but I may have to work a day or two just for my sanity's sake!! I love being around people and cannot sit still for very long. Mom's group, anyone?!? 

As a kick off to my return to the blogging world, 
here are our NURSERY REVEAL pictures!! 
Thanks to my awesome friend Crystal for all the help and ideas for our DIY, woodland sort of themed nursery!

We do not know the gender of our baby. The nursery is intended to be "neutral" BUT if we have a girl, I will be adding a few more feminine touches (pearls and lace, perhaps?). 

The blurred blob of gold in the top right corner is the initial of our baby's first name.
Babe is very secretive about this and gave me strict instructions not to reveal it! :)

The crib we bought new from Target and the 100% organic bedding is from Bed, Bath and Beyond.
We decided on a hypo allergenic mattress and found a used one that was in like new condition.
The bunting above the crib was made by me.
Laundry basket is from Ross
Pom poms above glider made by me (tutorial to come!).
Glider we found on a great FB baby yard sale page for an awesome price!
Curtains are from a sweet sale find at

The dresser and book shelf were mine as a kid. Babe repainted them both.
All the books were given to us at our shower in lieu of cards.
The clock was a favorite find at HomeGoods and all the baskets were given as gifts at our shower.

Pillows made by me.

Babe is a big hunter and I wanted to incorporate his antlers somehow into the nursery.
Thanks to friends Darren and Katie for the idea! 
The frames are a mixed collection of ones I had and yard sale finds.

A vintage fox print I found simply by searching google.

A Hobby Lobby find!

There you have it! There are still some touches I want to add once baby Glick makes his/her appearance. Overall I love our simple and quaint little nursery. Now just to add the baby! :)

Thanks for stopping by. Check back for regular updates on mommy life, recipes, DIY projects, and health tips.